Sitemap - 2022 - A Place to Stand

Nov.22 | The Prod Comm and the Supreme Court go out on some limbs; soft bigotry; will today's students learn critical thinking?

Is the Supreme Court’s decision on tikanga an outlier or a harbinger?

Will today’s students still have the opportunity to learn critical thinking?

The Productivity Commission’s latest report trips over its own assumptions

Oct.22 | Challenging the government, a cautionary tale, the euthanasia conveyor belt, and paying attention

Paying attention with our lives

The depressing inevitability of euthanasia regimes

Challenges to Government maintain our confidence in it

A cautionary tale from US academia

Sep.22 | Religious freedom's continuing slide, the precedented pandemic, a valediction, and false compassion

Religious freedom continues its slide down the hierarchy of protected rights

Roger Scruton's valediction

The pandemic was not unprecedented

The euthanasia debate is far from over

Jul.22 | Religious freedom, macro-aggressions, Twitter's futility, and more on COVID

The retreat of religious freedom

Pressure is a Messerschmitt

What is the point of Twitter?

Talking COVID and the constitution

Jun.22 | COVID and our constitution

Apr.22 | Living in a land of shifting light; technology and virtual insanity; can a urinal be art?

Can a urinal be art?

A land of shifting light

Do we use technology, or does technology use us?

Mar.22 | Meat suits, productivity, social cohesion, and conservatism; also, sharing is caring

The truth in conservatism

We need to work at social cohesion

Productivity is too important for the Productivity Commission to neglect

Piloting the meat suit

Feb.22 | An announcement; self-inflicted colonisation; can social science save social media; internationalism

The truth in internationalism

The irony of self-inflicted colonisation

Can social science save social media?

Jan.22 | The most extraordinary thing in the world