Sitemap - 2021 - A Place to Stand

November 2021 | The risks of a two-tier society, concentrated power and a polarised media

The truth in environmentalism

What's the future for NZ media?

A new university reminds us to beware the concentration of power

The risks of creating a two-tier society

October 2021 | Politics as comms; minimum wage generalisations; puritanism on campus

When politics is all tip and no iceberg

Sweeping generalisations about the minimum wage can do more harm than good

“Liberal moral puritanism” on campus

September 2021 | Blasphemy, hate speech, Orwell; the truth in multiculturalism

The truth in multiculturalism

I'm On Point

Politics and the English language

The instructive case of blasphemous libel

August 2021 | Euthanasia's future; creativity & calling; the truth in liberalism

The truth in liberalism

Kintsugi, calling, and creativity

Is the future Canadian?

A Place to Stand | July 2021

Bring back Kumbaya

Free speech and the examined life

The truth in capitalism

Escaping the dead end of narcissism

A Place to Stand | June 2021

The truth in socialism

Passing on the faith

Why we should read “problematic” books

Leading with love

A Place to Stand | May 2021

What makes a “true” New Zealander?

The truth in nationalism

Changing the trajectory of euthanasia

Fertility and the foundations of society

A Place to Stand | April 2021

Miscarriage, bereavement, and employment law

When the voice of conscience is a monotone

Starting from home

Everybody worships something

A Place to Stand | March 2021

Gaining the road and losing our souls

Does government even work?

Always outnumbered, always outgunned

Jordan Peterson in the maelstrom

A Place to Stand | February 2021

Don’t believe everything that you breathe

Educated by a gearhead: Why we need to encounter reality

Martin Luther King’s message to us

America stares into the abyss

Après Jacinda, le déluge?

What’s in a name? Evangelicals and (dis)trust

How the French Revolution still shapes our politics

"To learn to read is to light a fire"